Sunday 3 January 2010

Alert: Palestine activists beware of Tony Greenstein, Mark Elf and their cohorts

By Nureddin Sabir
Editor, Redress Information & Analysis

Brothers and sisters, comrades in the struggle for justice for the people of Palestine,

This is an urgent warning to beware of the activities of Mark Elf, who runs a blog called Jews sans frontieres, and Tony Greenstein, who describes himself as a “socialist, anti-Zionist, anti-racist”.

Both Greenstein and Elf are highly suspect individuals, pretending to be pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist activists but in reality devoting much of their time to distracting genuine fighters for justice for the Palestinian people with endless, tedious and time-wasting arguments that have nothing whatsoever to do with the Israeli occupation, land theft, colonization, the Gaza siege, Zionism or apartheid.

Greenstain and Elf had become incensed by an article written by me and published on Christmas Day (but given the following day’s date, as we do with all articles published after 1800 UK time) in which a number of whistleblowers from some of Britain’s top Zionist institutions spoke of an unprecedented crisis ripping through these institutions. In rantings posted on their respective blogs, Greenstein and Elf questioned the veracity of the article and, in a racist slur against Arabs, Greenstein doubted that an Arab – me – was capable of writing in fluent English.

Among their other scurrilous allegations, Greenstein and Elf claim that the article was written by one of our contributors, Gilad Atzmon, not by me.

Gilad Atzmon is one of a number of regular contributors to Redress Information & Analysis, but he is certainly not the author of the article, which was written by me. It is also me, not Gilad or anybody else, who interviewed the Jewish whistleblowers quoted in our article, Britain’s Jews in crisis over national loyalty, identity and Israel.

For the record, of the 664 articles published to date on Redress Information & Analysis, Gilad Atzmon’s share is 55, or eight per cent of all the articles.

For those who may not be aware, Greenstein, Elf and other like-minded judaeo-centric narcissistic misfits have been endlessly hounding Gilad Atzmon for a number of years because he had dared to question aspects of Jewish culture and identity.

If Greenstein and Elf were sincere in their support for the Palestinian cause, they would have welcomed the fact that whistleblowers from Britain’s top Zionist establishments had plucked up the courage and, at considerable risk to their jobs and personal relationships, chosen to speak to Redress Information & Analysis – an Arab-run website which they trusted would not leak their details back to their institutions. The fact that they did quite the opposite just about sums up the depravity of Greenstein and Elf.

Recently, Greenstein and Elf, acting through one Gerald Joseph Downing, who describes himself as “a Trotskyist bus driver with ambitions to assist in rebuilding the Fourth International and ending capitalism on the planet by socialist revolution”, have been frantically emailing all and sundry calling for a campaign, including one on Facebook, to defend Greenstein and company so that they can continue to protect Israel’s rear by distracting Palestine activists from the core issues related to fighting for justice for the Palestinian people – see our article Israel’s hidden friends ramp up campaign to distract Palestine activists from core issues.

We do not lightly accuse people of being agents of another state so, without hard evidence, we shall refrain from accusing Tony Greenstein and Mark Elf of knowingly acting on behalf of the State of Israel under cover of being anti-Zionists. But what we do know of them is this:
  1. They are childish characters who have failed to make the transition from the relatively burden-free world of student politics to the politics of the real world with its duties and responsibilities. To them, this is all an entertaining game.
  2. They believe that being Jewish and claiming to be anti-Zionist entitles them to hijack the Palestine solidarity movement and set its agenda.
  3. They seek to distract genuine supporters of the Palestinian cause with endless, tedious and time-wasting arguments that have nothing whatsoever to do with the Israeli occupation, land theft, colonization, the Gaza siege, Zionism or apartheid.
It is crucially important for everyone in the Palestine struggle to do what they can to neuter Tony Greenstein, Mark Elf and their cohorts politically. They must be politically isolated and ostracized by all who care for the struggle for justice for the Palestinian peope. To engage or cooperate with them in any any shape or form, now or at any time in future, could mean only one thing: they would drag you down to the subterranean hovel they inhabit.

Finally, I repeat what my colleague Salaheddin Ahmad said in the article Israel’s hidden friends ramp up campaign to distract Palestine activists from core issues:
We say this to Tony Greenstein, Mark Elf and anyone else who cares to stoop to their gutter: Palestine is and shall remain at the centre of the struggle for justice for the Palestinian people. We Palestinians and Arabs played no part in your Holocaust and we have nothing to do with anti-Semitism, past or present, real or imagined. It is us, not you, who are continuing to suffer from the legacy of the Nazis. Go forth and take your Jewish issues elsewhere. We shall have nothing to do with you.

And we repeat: if you and others in your camp wish to campaign against Zionism and racism, then we would welcome this and wish you good luck. But do your campaigning in parallel to us, not together with us. We do not and shall never trust you and we shall have nothing to do with you.

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